We are passionate about helping people around the world with lower back pain issues caused by prolong sitting and poor body posture. The ExFitt Fitness Program is a powerful, yet simple collection of exercise sequences that efficiently build core muscle strength and overall body flexibility, therefore help reduce lower back pain. With ExFitt, you could exercise anytime, anywhere, using just your own body and no equipment. Try some free workouts already today!


We have invested over 10 years in developing the program with combination of proven exercises inspired by pilates, yoga, core training and physiotherapy. To enable people who usually don’t like to work out building their core strength and body flexibility. You will learn simple (and more difficult too, if you like) ExFitt exercise workouts that allow you to exercise anytime, anywhere, just using own body and no equipment. You will become in charge of your fitness progress, your own fitness coach. Who would not want to test the program for free?