How we learn

Learn-Enjoy-Live is my ‘mantra’, we could say. What is behind learning, how do we learn? Intriguing, sometimes complex question. I have gone on a quest to find out for you…

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What-if you hate your job?

What if you hate your job? What to do in such situation? I was recently listening to someone talking about how he loves his job. Now, that’s great and hopefully…

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Get fit in 2 hours per week?

Is it possible to get fit in such way? Yes and not that difficult. Of course, if you like to run marathon, 2 hours per week of training won’t work……

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Science of happiness

I am on the beach. It’s beautiful. Sounds of little waves are gently reaching my ears and creating that sense of serenity. OR It’s raining. I am sitting in our…

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Terrible meetings

After writing about how people after 40 should reduce their workweek to three days recently (if you haven’t read it, here is the link) >> I realized that something very…

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