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Enjoy your free video from me: ExFitt 6-Pack Series Workout, an intense exercise routine to build your abs while protecting your spine. Before you start, please put my email into your Contacts address book to make sure you receive emails from me correctly.
Remember that building your abs in a safe way requires stable spine, glued to the mat. Too many sit-ups are dangerous especially for people like me with history of herniated disks. That’s why I developed this simple, safe workout, easy to learn and exercise anywhere, anytime, just with your own body. To make abs visible, some people need to lose a bit of belly fat. Here diet is very important. I am not a nutritionist, so please consult someone you know and trust. As a very generic guideline: lean protein, good fats (e.g. olive oil), more vegetables, less process food and no or very limited sugar works the best. Enjoy your workout!
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