7 Ideas for Happier and Longer Life

Last week in Nusa Penida, we met this incredible couple of almost 70 years old people from Belgium, riding on their bicycles around Asia. 30000km! Incredible. I was thinking…what does it take to stay so fit, healthy and brave until 70 years old? How can we all achieve that too? Here are my 7 ideas for happier longer life. Have a look and let me know what are yours!

Key topics are:

  • Not surprisingly…exercise!
  • Don’t take ourselves too seriously
  • Every little moment of happiness counts
  • 4 more ideas in the video

Have a great day!


    1. DanFrolec

      Hey Jon, glad to hear, keep it up! Maybe there are more ideas for happier and longer life, let’s see if we can come up with something new.

    1. DanFrolec

      Indeed Henk, there are perhaps other traits (like eat lots of nice chocolate ;)) but even if we just focus on these 7 – our life might be happier. Thanks for the comment and let’s see how we can transform ‘theory into practice’!

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